- Vakantiepark De Lochemse Berg
Surroundings De Lochemse Berg
Holiday Park De Lochemse Berg


  • Picturesque surroundings
  • Holiday park located by river De Berkel
  • Luxurious holiday homes

The Achterhoek

The Achterhoek is located in the Gelderland province, and is known for its varied landscape, also called a scenic landscape. Here you will find a varied landscape of forests, meadows, rivers and age-old farmhouses. Because of the many castles you can find in the Achterhoek, it looks like time stood still here. It is like you suddenly find yourself in a painting from a hundred years ago. Some of these castles can be visited, such as Havezate De Cloese along De Berkel, Estate and Castle Ampsen, Castle Vorden or Castle De Wildenborch in Vorden.

That time did not really stand still can be seen from the good facilities the Achterhoek has to offer. Here you will find beautiful cities such as Lochem, Zutphen and Doetinchem where you can go shopping, have a good meal and enjoy yourself on a terrace. Many restaurants in the Achterhoek offer delicious wild arrangements during the season. The Achterhoek also has a lot to offer in the agricultural sector. It is possible to visit several traditional farms where you can experience the atmosphere and smell of the past. But the farmers get more modern: viticulture is gaining popularity in the Achterhoek. The best wines in The Netherlands originate here. And every year there are more wine growers. You can visit many of these wine businesses, such as Vineyard De Zesspring Joppe in Lochem.

The most fun way to explore the Achterhoek is by bicycle or on foot. This way, you find yourself in the middle of nature, enabling you to truly unwind. You will find cycling and walking paths leading you along the most beautiful pieces of nature and villages everywhere. The paths are perfectly linked to each other, and the routes have been indicated clearly. For cyclists, for instance, there is a beautiful castles and estates route to the west of Lochem. For hikers there is the Poort van Lochem walking route, a route leading along the river De Berkel, over Estate Twickel and along the Lochemer Berg.

In short: the Achterhoek has something to offer for everyone! More information? Visit the website of the VVV.

Villages & cities




Nature reserves

Outings with kids
